#!/usr/bin/perl -T $rcsid='$Id: condorcet.cgi 1.12 1996/12/29 07:32:56 robla Exp robla $'; # $Log: condorcet.cgi $ # Revision 1.12 1996/12/29 07:32:56 robla # Made it consistent with Eskimo North # # Revision 1.11 1996/12/29 07:05:24 robla # Added Steve Eppley's suggestions (votes against fix & summary, colors) # # Revision 1.10 1996/07/21 10:37:09 robla # Added support for multiple ballots on a single line, and ranking multiple # candidates as peers. # # Revision 1.9 1996/07/21 07:14:16 robla # Added comments and cleaned up for Perl Journal # # Revision 1.8 1996/07/16 05:53:00 robla # Added comments, fixed Smith Set calculation # # Revision 1.7 1996/05/28 07:12:41 robla # Added Smith Set calculation # # Revision 1.6 1996/05/25 05:49:18 robla # Finished off modularization # # Revision 1.5 1996/05/23 04:59:57 robla # Added election_standings object # # Revision 1.4 1996/05/21 07:18:19 robla # Created election_data object # # Revision 1.3 1996/05/21 05:10:35 robla # A little more modularizing # # Revision 1.2 1996/05/17 06:21:34 robla # Started modularization # # Revision 1.1 1996/05/10 04:42:14 robla # Initial revision # # Revision 1.1 1996/02/18 20:05:20 robla # Initial revision # # Revision 0.2 1995/12/31 13:29:33 robla # Added comment capability to vote data # Now truly "Condorcet complient" (thanks Mike O.) # Now handles tie elections correctly (rather than arbitrarily picking a winner) # # Revision 1995/12/22 04:02:38 robla # Added more comments # # Revision 0.1 1995/12/22 02:46:22 robla # First version. The tie-breaker still incorrectly calculates worst # defeat by votes for, rather than votes against. # # condorcet.cgi - tallies ranked preference ballots using # Condorcet's method # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # # For more information about this program, check out my home page # at , or email me (Rob Lanphier # ) for what the web page doesn't answer. # # See $helpstring below for more details. # # Setup environment # $ENV{'PATH'} = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib"; $ENV{'IFS'} = ""; BEGIN { unshift(@INC,'/usr/public/www/cgi-bin'); } use CGI; ########################################################################### # MAIN PROGRAM ########################### # This value can be adjusted as needed $maxcandnum=200; # Initialize list of bad candidates @badcand=(); @badvote=(); $query = new CGI; $edata = new election_data; $edata->load_candidates($query->param('candlist')); $edata->pairwise_tally($query->param('votelist')); $standings = new election_standings($edata); $standings->compute_wlt($edata); $standings->rank_copeland($edata); $standings->calc_smith_set($edata); $condorcet_results=new Condorcet($edata, $standings); $copeland_results=new Copeland($edata, $standings); print_header(); print_raw_results($edata, $standings); print_results($edata, $standings, $condorcet_results, $copeland_results); ########################################################################### package ballot_obj; ########################### sub new { my $self={}; my ($type, $edata, $ballotstring) = @_; # Strip comments $ballotstring=~s/#.*$//; # Ignore blank lines. if ($ballotstring=~/^\s*$/) { return (); } # Strip quantity, if specified if ($ballotstring=~s/^\s*(\d+)\s*:\s*//) { $self->{'quantity'}=$1; } else { $self->{'quantity'}=1; } # Ignore lines with bad characters in them if ($ballotstring=~/[^\d>=\s]/) { $edata->add_badvote("Bad Formatting: $ballotstring"); return 0; } my(@checklist)=split(/[>=]/, $ballotstring); if(grep(($_>$main::maxcandnum),@checklist) != ()) { $edata->add_badvote("Candidate number too high: $ballotstring"); return 0; } if(grep(!(vec($edata->{'candvec'},$_,1)),@checklist) != ()) { $edata->add_badvote("Invalid candidate number in $ballotstring"); return 0; } my(@votelist)=(); foreach $tier (split(/>/, $ballotstring)) { my(@foo)=split(/=/, $tier); push(@votelist,\@foo); } $self->{'rankings'}=\@votelist; bless $self; } ########################################################################### package election_data; ########################### sub new { my $self={}; my $localvec; vec($localvec, $1, 1)=0; $self->{'candvec'}=$localvec; bless $self; } #load_candidates($query->param('candlist')) sub load_candidates { my ($self, $candlist)=@_; # Load the candidate list for (split(/\r\n/,$candlist)) { if (/(\d+)\s*,\s*(.*)$/) # If the line starts with a # number and a comma (they all # should)... { # Stuff the candidate's name in an # array and set a flag in $candvec # corresponding to this # candidate number. if(vec($self->{'candvec'}, $1, 1)==1) { add_badcand("Duplicate Numbering: $_"); } elsif($1>$main::maxcandnum) { add_badcand("Candidate number too high: $_"); } else { $self->{'candidate'}[$1]=$2; vec($self->{'candvec'}, $1, 1)=1; } } else { add_badcand("Bad Formatting: $_"); } } } sub candvec { my $self = shift; $self->{'candvec'}; } sub add_badcand { my $self = shift; push(@{$self->{'badcand'}}, @_); } sub add_badvote { my $self = shift; push(@{$self->{'badvote'}}, @_); } sub pairwise_tally { my ($self, $votelist)=@_; # $self is an object (ala Perl 5) that stores all basic pairwise # election data # # @self->{'tally'} is a two-dimensional array (also ala Perl 5) that # stores the pairwise tally results. # # $self->{'tally'}[$candx][$candy] is the number of votes that $candx # received over $candy. # # $votelist is a string that is essentially a raw text file that # contains all of the ballots. for(split(/\n/,$votelist)) { # $loservec-a boolean vector with a flag set for all "losers" # reset with every new ballot. All are losers until they are # listed on a ballot. my($loservec)=$self->{'candvec'}; # Parse ballot. Skip if no ballot is returned. (!(my($ballot)=new ballot_obj($self, $_))) && next; # @{$ballot->{'rankings'}} is an array of integers # representing the candidates this voter (or voters) voted # for, in order of preference. my(@votelist)=@{$ballot->{'rankings'}}; foreach $tier (@votelist) { # For each preference listed... # Remove the chosen candidate(s) from the loser vector. foreach $peer (@{$tier}) { vec($loservec, $peer, 1) = 0; } # For all candidates... for ($i = 0; $i<= $#{$self->{'candidate'}}; $i++) { # If said candidate hasn't been listed yet... if(vec($loservec,$i,1)) { # ...they've been beat by the chosen candidate. # Increment their "votes for the other guy" # counter by the number of ballots ranked like this foreach $peer (@{$tier}) { if(defined($self->{'tally'}[$peer][$i])) { $self->{'tally'}[$peer][$i] +=$ballot->{'quantity'}; } else { $self->{'tally'}[$peer][$i] =$ballot->{'quantity'}; } } } } } $self->{'total_vote'}+=$ballot->{'quantity'}; } } sub candnum_array { my($self)=@_; return (grep((vec($self->{'candvec'}, $_, 1)==1), (0 .. $#{$self->{'candidate'}}))); } ########################################################################### package election_standings; ########################### sub new { my $self={}; if(scalar(@_)==2) { my($edata, $candvec)=@_; } else { my($edata)=@_; my($candvec)=$edata->candvec; } # $self->{'results'}: A two-dimensional array storing election results # for each candidate. for ($i=0;$i<=$#{$edata->{'candidate'}};$i++) { if (vec($edata->candvec,$i,1)) { $self->{'results'}[$i][0]=0; # Number of defeats for $i $self->{'results'}[$i][1]=0; # Number of ties for $i $self->{'results'}[$i][2]=0; # Number of victories for $i $self->{'results'}[$i][3]=0; # Worst defeat, as measured by } # total votes against $i } bless $self; } sub compute_wlt { my($self, $edata)=@_; # Compute the win-lost-ties... for ($i=0;$i<$#{$edata->{'candidate'}};$i++) { if (vec($edata->candvec,$i,1)) { for ($j=$i+1;$j<=$#{$edata->{'candidate'}};$j++) { if (vec($edata->candvec,$j,1)) { if(!defined($edata->{'tally'}[$i][$j])) # Initialize the tally # array for uninitialized value. { $edata->{'tally'}[$i][$j] =0; } if(!defined($edata->{'tally'}[$j][$i])) { $edata->{'tally'}[$j][$i] =0; } my($itally)=$edata->{'tally'}[$i][$j]; # Votes for candidate # number $i my($jtally)=$edata->{'tally'}[$j][$i]; # Votes for candidate # number $j my($x)=($itally <=> $jtally)+1; my($y)=2-$x; $self->{'results'}[$i][$x]++; $self->{'results'}[$j][$y]++; if(($jtally > $self->{'results'}[$i][3]) && ($jtally > $itally)) { $self->{'results'}[$i][3]=$jtally; # This is $i's worst defeat. } if(($itally > $self->{'results'}[$j][3]) && ($itally > $jtally)) { $self->{'results'}[$j][3]=$itally; # This is $j's worst defeat. } } } } } } sub rank_copeland { my($self, $edata)=@_; # A Copeland score is computed by doubling the number of victories # and adding the number ties a candidate received. my(@copeland_rankings)=sort {-(($self->{'results'}[$a][2]*2 + $self->{'results'}[$a][1]) <=> ($self->{'results'}[$b][2]*2 + $self->{'results'}[$b][1]))} $edata->candnum_array; $self->{'copeland_rankings'}=\@copeland_rankings; } sub calc_smith_set { my($self, $edata)=@_; my($smithsetvec, $beatsmithvec); # Initialize $smithsetvec with the top Copeland entry set. # Even if the top entry in the array is tied with all others in # terms of Copeland score, they are certainly in the Smith set vec($smithsetvec,$self->{'copeland_rankings'}[0],1)=1; # If the top Copeland entry is an all-out winner, there's no # need for the hoopla. if(($self->{'results'}[$self->{'copeland_rankings'}[0]][0]==0)&& ($self->{'results'}[$self->{'copeland_rankings'}[0]][1]==0)) { $self->{'all_out_winner'}=1; } # Let's see who beat each entry else { my($i)=0; while($smithsetvec ne $beatsmithvec) { vec($smithsetvec, $self->{'copeland_rankings'}[$i], 1)=1; for ($j=0;$j<=$#{$edata->{'candidate'}};$j++) { if (vec($edata->candvec,$j,1)) { if($edata->{'tally'}[$j][$self->{'copeland_rankings'}[$i]] >= $edata->{'tally'}[$self->{'copeland_rankings'}[$i]][$j]) { vec($beatsmithvec, $j, 1)=1; } } } $i++; } } for ($j=0;$j<=$#{$edata->{'candidate'}};$j++) { if (vec($smithsetvec,$j,1)) { push(@{$self->{'smith_set'}}, $j); } } $self->{'smith_set_vec'}=$smithsetvec; } ########################################################################### package Condorcet; ########################### sub new { my $self = {}; my ($type, $edata, $standings) = @_; $self->{'all_out_victory'} = 0; # This is the loop where the Condorcet winner is calculated. The winner is # stored in an array to deal with the possibility of a tie, in which # the array grows to accomodate multiple "winners". God help us if # there is a tie. { my($min_worst_defeat)=$edata->{'total_vote'}; my(@leading_cand_num); for ($i=0;$i<=$#{$edata->{'candidate'}};$i++) { if (vec($edata->{'candvec'},$i,1)) { # Check if we have a new Condorcet winner if($standings->{'results'}[$i][3]<$min_worst_defeat) { $min_worst_defeat=$standings->{'results'}[$i][3]; @leading_cand_num=($i); # $i is now the hands-down # winner, so far } # Check if we have a tie for the new Condorcet winner elsif($standings->{'results'}[$i][3]==$min_worst_defeat) { push(@leading_cand_num, $i); # $i is tied for the lead # with those already in the # leading_cand_num array } if($standings->{'results'}[$i][0]==0 && $standings->{'results'}[$i][1]==0) # If they haven't lost or tied # any elections, they win. { @leading_cand_num=($i); $self->{'all_out_victory'}=1; last; # That's all she wrote. } } } $self->{'leading_cand_num'}=\@leading_cand_num; } bless $self; } sub is_sweep { my $self = shift; $self->{'all_out_victory'}; } sub winner { my $self = shift; $self->{'leading_cand_num'}; } ########################################################################### package Copeland; ########################### sub new { my $self = {}; my ($type, $edata, $standings) = @_; $self->{'all_out_victory'} = 0; # This is the loop where the Copeland winner is calculated. The winner is # stored in an array to deal with the possibility of a tie, in which # the array grows to accomodate multiple "winners". This was adapted # from my original Condorcet code, before I learned how easy # calculating the Copeland winner could be. See rank_copeland() for a # simpler piece of code for doing this. { my($most_wins)=0; #Used for Copeland tie-breaker my(@leading_cand_num); for ($i=0;$i<=$#{$edata->{'candidate'}};$i++) { if (vec($edata->{'candvec'},$i,1)) { # Check if we have a new Copeland winner if($standings->{'results'}[$i][2] + 0.5*$standings->{'results'}[$i][1] > $most_wins) { $most_wins=$standings->{'results'}[$i][2] + 0.5*$standings->{'results'}[$i][1]; @leading_cand_num=($i); # $i is now the hands-down # winner, so far } # Check if we have a tie for the new Copeland winner elsif($standings->{'results'}[$i][2] + 0.5*$standings->{'results'}[$i][1] == $most_wins) { push(@leading_cand_num, $i); # $i is tied for the lead # with those already in the # @leading_cand_num array } if($standings->{'results'}[$i][0]==0 && $standings->{'results'}[$i][1]==0) # If they haven't lost or tied # any elections, they win. { @leading_cand_num=($i); $self->{'all_out_victory'}=1; last; # That's all she wrote. } } } $self->{'leading_cand_num'}=\@leading_cand_num; } bless $self; } sub is_sweep { my $self = shift; $self->{'all_out_victory'}; } sub winner { my $self = shift; $self->{'leading_cand_num'}; } sub rank_candidates { my ($self) = @_; # This list is 1-indexed rather than 0 indexed for clarity $self->{'ranking'}[1]=$self->{'leading_cand_num'}; } ########################################################################### package main; ########################### ############################# sub print_header { print $query->header; #StartOfHTML print <<"#EndOfHTML"; Pairwise Election Results

Pairwise Election Results

All preference ballots are used to simulate how each voter would have voted in elections between each pair of candidates.

#EndOfHTML } ############################# sub print_raw_results { my($edata,$standings)=@_; # Print out the raw tally table. #StartOfHTML print <<"#EndOfHTML"; Total votes tallied: $edata->{'total_vote'}

#EndOfHTML # Find the number of candidates by counting the number # of set bits in $edata->candvec $numcands = unpack("%32b*", $edata->candvec); print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; { my($rowsprinted)=0; for ($i=0;$i<=$#{$edata->{'candidate'}};$i++) { if (vec($edata->candvec,$i,1)) { if ($rowsprinted==0) { print ""}; print"\n"; } } } print "
Pairwise Election Results
"; for ($i=0;$i<=$#{$edata->{'candidate'}};$i++) { if (vec($edata->candvec,$i,1)) { print"$edata->{'candidate'}[$i]\n"; } } print "
B"; $rowsprinted=1; } else {print "
$edata->{'candidate'}[$i]"; for ($j=0;$j<=$#{$edata->{'candidate'}};$j++) { if($i==$j) { print ""; } else { if(vec($edata->candvec,$j,1)) { my($no_preference)= ($edata->{'total_vote'}-$edata->{'tally'}[$j][$i]-$edata->{'tally'}[$i][$j]); if ($edata->{'tally'}[$j][$i] > $edata->{'tally'}[$i][$j]) { print ""; } elsif ($edata->{'tally'}[$j][$i] < $edata->{'tally'}[$i][$j]) { print ""; } else { print ""; } printf("[A] %d votes (%0.1f%%)
", $edata->{'tally'}[$j][$i], ($edata->{'tally'}[$j][$i] / $edata->{'total_vote'}) * 100); printf("[B] %d votes (%0.1f%%)
", $edata->{'tally'}[$i][$j], ($edata->{'tally'}[$i][$j] / $edata->{'total_vote'}) * 100); if($no_preference>0) { printf("[NP] %d votes (%0.1f%%)
", $no_preference, ($no_preference / $edata->{'total_vote'}) * 100); } } } } print "
Pairwise election results (won-lost-tied):\n"; for ($i=0;$i<=$#{$edata->{'candidate'}};$i++) { if (vec($edata->candvec,$i,1)) { if(!defined($standings->{'results'}[$i][0])) { $standings->{'results'}[$i][0]=0; } if(!defined($standings->{'results'}[$i][1])) { $standings->{'results'}[$i][1]=0; } if(!defined($standings->{'results'}[$i][2])) { $standings->{'results'}[$i][2]=0; } print "$standings->{'results'}[$i][2]-$standings->{'results'}[$i][0]-$standings->{'results'}[$i][1]\n"; } } print "
"; print "Votes against in worst pairwise defeat:\n"; for ($i=0;$i<=$#{$edata->{'candidate'}};$i++) { if (vec($edata->candvec,$i,1)) { if(!defined($standings->{'results'}[$i][3])) { $standings->{'results'}[$i][3]="n/a"; } printf("%d votes (%0.1f%%)", $standings->{'results'}[$i][3], ($standings->{'results'}[$i][3] / $edata->{'total_vote'}) * 100); } } #StartOfHTML print <<"#EndOfHTML";
[A] indicates voters who preferred the candidate listed in the column caption to the candidate listed in the row caption
[B] indicates voters who preferred the candidate listed in the row caption to the candidate listed in the column caption
[NP] indicates voters who expressed no preference between either candidate

#EndOfHTML # End of raw tally table printout. } ############################# sub print_results { my($edata,$standings,$condorcet_results,$copeland_results)=@_; # Now for the moment we've been waiting for. This is where we # announce the winner(s) print"


\n"; print"

Condorcet Method Results

\n"; if($#{$condorcet_results->winner}==0) # i.e. if there is only one # leading_cand_num, they win { print"The winner is $edata->{'candidate'}[${$condorcet_results->winner}[0]]

\n\n"; if($condorcet_results->is_sweep) { #StartOfHTML print <<"#EndOfHTML"; $edata->{'candidate'}[${$condorcet_results->winner}[0]]; won every simulated pairwise election outright. No other candidate can make this claim. This also means that $edata->{'candidate'}[${$condorcet_results->winner}[0]] also is the sole member of the Smith Set.

#EndOfHTML } else { #StartOfHTML print <<"#EndOfHTML"; This situation is the result of a Condorcet tie-breaker. Notice there were no candidates who won all pairwise elections. In a Condorcet tie-breaker, the winning candidate is the one who has the least number of people that explicitly vote against them in any pairwise election. $edata->{'candidate'}[${$condorcet_results->winner}[0]] had the fewest number of voters vote against him/her of any of the candidates in his/her poorest showing ($standings->{'results'}[${$condorcet_results->winner}[0]][3] votes).

#EndOfHTML } } else # Oh, hell... { print"There has been a tie. The winners are:\n"; for ($i=0;$i<=$#{$condorcet_results->winner};$i++) { if($i!=0 && $#{$condorcet_results->winner}!=1) {print ", ";} if($i==$#{$condorcet_results->winner}) {print " and ";} print"$edata->{'candidate'}[${$condorcet_results->winner}[$i]]"; } print ".

"; print " A tie occurs when there is no candidate that emerges unbeaten in all pairwise elections. Normally, it is possible to find the candidate who had the least votes against them in any pairwise election. However, in this case, "; for ($i=0;$i<=$#{$condorcet_results->winner};$i++) { if($i!=0 && $#{$condorcet_results->winner}!=1) {print ", ";} if($i==$#{$condorcet_results->winner}) {print " and ";} print"$edata->{'candidate'}[${$condorcet_results->winner}[$i]]"; } print " had equal numbers of voters voting against them in their poorest showings ($standings->{'results'}[${$condorcet_results->winner}[0]][3] votes). As a result, a second election may be necessary to determine a winner.

\n "; } # See if there is a difference between the Condorcet and Copeland winners if($#{$condorcet_results->winner}==$#{$copeland_results->winner}) { $copeland_diff=0; for ($i=0;$i<=$#{$condorcet_results->winner};$i++) { if(${$condorcet_results->winner}[$i]!=${$copeland_results->winner}[$i]) { $copeland_diff=1; last; } } } else { $copeland_diff=1; } print"

Copeland Method Results

\n"; if(!$copeland_diff) { print "Copeland's method returns the same result as Condorcet's.

"; } elsif($#{$copeland_results->winner}==0) # i.e. if there is only one # leading_cand_num, they win { #StartOfHTML print <<"#EndOfHTML"; Copeland's method returns a different result than Condorcet's. The Copeland winner is $edata->{'candidate'}[${$copeland_results->winner}[0]].

Since there were no candidates who won all pairwise elections, the Copeland winner is the one who has the highest number of wins, with ties counting as one half of a win. $edata->{'candidate'}[${$copeland_results->winner}[0]] had the best win-loss-tie record of any of the other candidates ($standings->{'results'}[${$copeland_results->winner}[0]][2]-$standings->{'results'}[${$copeland_results->winner}[0]][0]-$standings->{'results'}[${$copeland_results->winner}[0]][1]).

#EndOfHTML } else # Oh, hell... { print "Copeland's method returns a different result than Condorcet's. There is a tie using Copeland's method between "; for ($i=0;$i<=$#{$copeland_results->winner};$i++) { if($i!=0 && $#{$copeland_results->winner}!=1) {print ", ";} if($i==$#{$copeland_results->winner}) {print " and ";} print"$edata->{'candidate'}[${$copeland_results->winner}[$i]]"; } print ".

"; print " A tie occurs when there is no candidate that emerges unbeaten in all pairwise elections. Normally, it is possible to find the candidate who has the best win-loss-tie record. However, in this case, "; for ($i=0;$i<=$#{$copeland_results->winner};$i++) { if($i!=0 && $#{$copeland_results->winner}!=1) {print ", ";} if($i==$#{$copeland_results->winner}) {print " and ";} print"$edata->{'candidate'}[${$copeland_results->winner}[$i]]"; } print " had equal win-loss-tie records ($standings->{'results'}[${$copeland_results->winner}[0]][2]-$standings->{'results'}[${$copeland_results->winner}[0]][0]-$standings->{'results'}[${$copeland_results->winner}[0]][1]).

\n "; } print"

Smith Method Results

\n"; print"The Smith Set consists of:\n"; for ($i=0;$i<=$#{$standings->{'smith_set'}};$i++) { if($i!=0 && $#{$standings->{'smith_set'}}!=1) {print ", ";} if($i!=0 && $i==$#{$standings->{'smith_set'}}) {print " and ";} print"$edata->{'candidate'}[${$standings->{'smith_set'}}[$i]]"; } print ".

"; #StartOfHTML print <<"#EndOfHTML"; Try hitting the "back" button on your browser to simulate other election outcomes.

All Candidates As Entered:
    print $query->param('candlist');
    print "
\nAll Votes as Entered:
    print $query->param('votelist');

    print <<"#EndOfHTML";
Invalid Candidates (due to improper entry):
Invalid Votes (due to improper entry):

#EndOfHTML }