This is a command-line Python script that will convert a (rudimentary) SVG
file into a Macromedia Flash (swf) file, using SAX to do the parsing, and
the ming library to write the .swf
July 29, 2001
Release of v0.1.3. - I've taken off the warning about this being a
developer only release, because I think it's starting to get generally
useful. It's still very rough around the edges, though, so use at your own
risk. New features:
Improved style handling
Added rgb() color syntax in CSS
Skeleton for handling hyperlinks
Handle polygon, polyline and line elements
Added very crude hyperlink support
July 23, 2001
Release of v0.0.2. This release is the first one to render tiger.svg
properly. Complete handling of the path element.
July 11, 2001
Release of v0.0.1. First release, limited handling of path element, along
with rect and a couple of others I forget.
The most impressive image I've tested this with is the tiger image off of the Gill page. Here's the
resulting output (with a one-line cheat to center the image):
The tiger is acutally comprised of very few SVG primatives, so it's not
that impressive to have an SVG renderer handle it. Still, it looks
The way I've been developing this has been by tackling testcases from the
W3C's SVG Conformance Test
Suite. Here's a list of the tests that (I think) this passes (with caveats):
Caveats: Flash doesn't allow for setting the linecap,
which defaults to
"round cap" in Flash. Since SVG defaults to "butt cap", and since I can't change
to that value, that's a problem. Also, the hyperlink text area is a bit
out of control.
If it passes any others, it'd be out of luck, becuase generally speaking,
if I haven't looked at it, it doesn't work.
Copyright 2001 Rob Lanphier